
Every Bulleteer Needs to Know This!!!

If you choose to race then you should try it with only a Bullet, you can take down every Bike on the list but however you can’t compete with old model Bullets. It is probably so because they had bigger carburetors and also less mileage. But still if a Bulleteer like you can compromise with a less mileage then this bike is sure to take on every bike including the Pulsar or Karizma.


Well our Bullet is having the Small 24mm Carburetor and is 350cc and gives 40km/lit with 18bhp of power and 32nm torque, on the other hand Pulsar 220 uses a bigger 32mm carburetor and is 220cc and gives 25-30km/lit with 21bhp of power and 19-20nm of torque. So the answer is simple that we can install a bigger carb, like the 32mm carb, and get more than 25bhp with a little compromise in mileage which is far better than any other bike in India.

So this is the only reason why bullet has less top speed then other little bikes. Its just that company uses 24mm carburetor to make bullet efficient for every bulleteer. BULLET fucked up every bike in india without aby nodification in any of its parts, if we install a 32mm carburetor in it then you can imagine the THUNDER guyzzz……

Now get out there and buy one of the beasts, The Royal Enfield Bullet …made like a gun, goes like a Bullet >>>

As I always say..

Itz not a bike….itz BULLET!!!!!!!

11 thoughts on “Every Bulleteer Needs to Know This!!!

  1. Anonymous says:

    don't tell us about 24 and 32 , please share the pics and dyno chart if you have moded the bike. here you have mentioned only about the size. let ppl know whether it works or not. how you have fitted the carb, how did u decide the carburetor jets?..any change in intake CFM and so in out put?

  2. Anonymous says:

    New bull comes with a UCAL BS29
    and changing it with a 32 wont make much difference
    and uce has much better performance, i don't find any good reason to change

    but if you still want good performance you can go for
    K&n filter
    iridium spark plug
    quick response throttle
    hollow silencer with carburetor resetting

    hope helped

  3. Royal Enfield Bullet CLUB says:

    If i dont tell you about the 24 and 32mm thing then how will you come to know about this fact…..
    and as you see this is VM-24 carb. not for UCE……
    And m not mechanic here brother your comment offence me here…….
    My duty is to tell you about the facts and as much information possible and if still you are not getting it then consult youir mechanic….
    Everything cannot be done on computer…..
    Start appreciating things rather than critizing…
    Thank you…REBC…

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